Hug of the Month October 2023
Meet Sharon!
Sharon was nominated by her sister Ange. She nominated her sister as she thinks she greatly deserves a clean. Sharon has an autistic son that she had to pull out of special school due to extreme anxiety due to previous school trauma. Ange wants for her to enjoy her home clean as it would be such a thrill to see as she just doesn’t get the time to do day to day things.
"I know your life is so difficult at times but you always think and care about others especially me. Love you

I did 2 deep cleans of Sharon’s bathrooms and powder room. I got my hands stuck into them and pulled them apart- loved it! I incorporated my new steam cleaner machine when focusing on the grout, pretreating area with degreaser, and then using using grout spray after steaming and using brush to help pretreat for mould. For essential oil blend, I used Fruit Tingles on the walls as I find this blend extremely calming yet uplifting with the bergamot and pink grapefruit. The combo of both citrus oils has such an amazing impact on the cortisol and serotonin levels really having a positive balance of the mood of the home.
I got a great cuddle when finished! It was a pleasure cleaning for you Sharon! I hope you enjoyed the rest of your day!